Сценарій позакласного заходу

 Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови у рамках тижня англійської на тему
Підготували вчителі англійської мови: Толорая Л.С.,Тюхменьова А.В.

Мета:Познайомити учнів з незвичайними фестивалями та карнавалами у Великій Британії.
Виховувати дружбу,взаєморозуміння та повагу до культурної спадщини інших країн. Прищеплювати любов до предмету.
Хід заходу
Зала прикрашена плакатами та фотографіями з фестивалів та карнавалів. На екрані відео монтаж з різних Британських святкових заходів.

Ведучий1:Hello everybody! Hello our guests! Welcome to our party! Today we are going to show you some unusual British festivals, carnivals and contests .We are going to have a lot of dancing, singing and playing games. So, let’s start!
Ведучий2:One of the most bright British carnivals takes place every August in London. It is held on Notting Hill Street. That’s why it is called Notting Hill Carnival. It lasts for three days. People wear bright costumes. They enjoy dancing and singing.
Ведучий3 :Now you will see the participants of the Carnival. They are wearing costumes and masks. Let’s listen them singing.
Учні 6 класів у карнавальних костюмах співають пісню «What does the fox say?»

Ведучий1:Some of the British festival are connected with food. Pancake race is one of them. Every Year on Shrove Tuesday the British organize the races with the pancakes. People of different professions take part in them.
Ведучий2:Now we’ll compete in the pancake races right here. We need 5 participants for two teams.
Дві команди по 5 учасників змагаються у конкурсних перегонах із млинцями.

Ведучий3 :Do you know that six British festivals are followed by fireworks. Guy Fawkes Day is one of such festivals. It is connected with a sad story of a man who tried to kill the King in 1605and was arrested. On this day called “Bonfire Night” people burn fires and thousands of fireworks can be seen in the sky.
Ведучий1:Our next competition will be to make the Guy of old clothes and paper. Two teams of 6 participants will take part in the competition.
Дві команди за 5 хвилин із старого одягу,мотузки, паперу та взуття виготовляють чучело Гая Фокса.

Ведучий2:Every year the British have also a lot of different vocal contests and talent shows. Let’s have a look at one of the shows,called “Britain Has Got a Talent”.
Ведучий3 :Meet the finalists of our talent show “Britain Has Got a Talent”. One of the finalists is a circus star Stanislava Golovko. 
Учениця 8-б класу Головко Станислава виконує цирковий номер з обручами.
Ведучий3 :And now the other participants of our contests vocal duet” Two Hearts”. Meet them with your applause.
Учні Болдирєв Владислав( 8-бклас) та Якубенко Олександра(9-а клас) виконують пісню All Of Me

Підведення підсумків конкурсів. Оголошення переможців та вручення призів. Завершення вечірки.
Ведучий1:Thank you our dear guests for coming. We will be looking forward to meeting you again. And now good bye and good luck!

Сценарій позакласного заходу учнів 5 класів «Святкуємо Хеллоуін»
Вчитель: Тюхменьова А. В.
Мета :
Ознайомити учнів з традиціями святкування Хеллоуіна у країнах мови, що вивчається.
Виховна : виховувати в учнів повагу до культури та традицій інших країн.
Розвиваюча: розвивати кмітливість, творчу фантазію та ініціативу на шляху здійснення мовної діяльності учнів.
Обладнання: костюми,плакати, картки, інвентар для конкурсів, поробки з гарбузів.
Хід заходу
Teacher 1: Good afternoon, dear children and guests. Today we gathered here to celebrate a very unusual and interesting autumn holiday. I’d like you to guess the name of the holiday. We celebrate it in autumn, on the thirty-first of October. On this holiday children like to wear very funny fancy costumes. Those are the costumes of witches, vampires, skeletons, zombies, spiders, ghosts, black cats. This festival is called….(The children: Halloween!)

Pupil 1: Tonight is the night
To have a great fright
Don’t be surprised or scared
Just be prepared
For tonight is Halloween!
Teacher 2: Do you know, that Halloween was first celebrated in Ireland and Scotland by Druids. It was the night when the witches came out. As people were afraid of the witches, they put on different clothes and painted their faces to deceive the wicked witches. They also leave some food or sweets near the doors of their houses for witches. That is why children knock on doors at Halloween and ask if you would like “treat “or “trick”. If you give them something nice, “a treat”, they go away. If you don’t, they may play a “trick” on you. Something like that.
Children play out 2 scenes.

Teacher 1: Halloween is very interesting festival. On this day children and even grown – ups have parties with a lot of quizzes and difficult games. For one of the games we need 8 participants. Their task will be to eat an apple without hands. The winner will take a prize.
The participants play the game and get prizes.
Teacher 2: For the next game we need 2 teams of 5 children.
Your task will be to make up “a Jack –o-Lantern”. Elect a candidate from each team to make up “a Jack –o-Lantern” of separate parts with folded eyes. A set of separate parts consists of a shape of big pumpkin, a triangle nose , two triangle eyes and a smiling mouth. The team can help its participant to stick the parts of the face , saying the words:”up, down, right , straight, left, correct”.
The participants play the game and the winner is declared at the end of the game.
Teacher 1: And now I need 8 participants from each team. The next contest is called “Word search».

You have 2 minutes to search the 8 hidden words.

Teacher 2: Today you can see some very funny costumes. And now we are going to have the costume show.
Children make a presentation of the costume, reciting a short rhyme.
Pupil 2: Black cat, black cat is looking for a witch
All around the nights as dark as pitch.
Pupil 3: Pumpkin, pumpkin, big and round
Pumpkin, pumpkin on the ground
With my finger I will trace
A smile upon your orange face.
Pupil 4: The witch was bright and she had a broom
She broke it and then she ran around the room
It was a scary night
And gave everyone a big fright.

Teacher 1: You can see a lot of costumes today. Now it’s time to find out which costumes are the best at our party. Let’s declare the winners ! (The winners of the show are presented with prizes.)
Teacher 2: And now, children, it’s time for treating guests and dancing. But to get treatment you should tell the magic words. Do you remember them? (Children: “trick or treat?”) Right you are! (Children tell “trick or treat” and the teachers give them sweets and biscuits). And let’s sing a festive song!
Children sing a song “It’s Halloween!”
Teacher 1: Our party is over. Thank you very much for coming!